Friday, February 19, 2010

Fluffy Friday #12 - My Pals

I had to rush to get this Fluffy Friday post out. Ever since that spaceman started his own business he's been so busy with setting up his company and also rushing out some work for his new found clients, which is good really but that doesn't leave me time to use his laptop much.

Hmmm, maybe now that he's got his own company, he'll be able to buy me my own little doggy lappy ... LOL!

Ok, since I don't have much time to get this post done and I don't have anything really fluffy to show today except myself which I'm sure you all are probably bored of right now, I'll feature a picture of three of my pals that keep me company when that spaceman and mommy are busy.

From left is Hobbes, Mac Taylor and Scruffy. They're my pals for the times when I'm downstairs. Right now, Hobbes is my favourite pal and is top of the pal list ... hehehe ...

 I have a few more pals upstairs when I'm in the room with mommy and the spaceman which is Beena Berry and No Name. Oh and I also have some chew bones which I really don't like but keep it around to keep that spaceman happy.

I'll feature my other pals for next week's Fluffy Friday. Stay tuned, ya :D With that I'd like to wish  you all a Happy Fluffy Friday.


Share your fluffy friends with us every Friday! Whether it's a favourite stuffed toy or an adorable pet - basically anything fluffy, we'd love to see your pictures & stories! Leave ONLY the POST URL here and grab the Fluffy Friday badge at Meow Diaries. Any unrelated links will be deleted.


  1. Yay thanks for showing us ur fluffy friends Pebbles. U have so many of them! My cats don't really like stuffed toys but they love balls, especially the ones with bell inside... drives them nuts! :)

  2. Wah wah wah so Spaceman got new company eh? Busy some more with new clients, syabas! So one lime green VAIO for u and one Kancil for me right?? ;)

  3. Lucky u got to pinjam his lappy to do ur Fluffy Friday post Pebbles! :)

  4. Happy FLuffy Friday Pebbles! Enjoy ur weekend okay? :)

  5. hehehe.. so cute your toys..the bloggercats dont have such fluffy toy but they have mommy made!

  6. wahhh pebbles has many friends!
    my bam2 will never share his friends to ppl, not even me. the minute you give him stuffed toys, he'll go and hide them behind the sofa or even under the blanket.

    and yeah, bam2 doesnt like his chew bones as well.

  7. Aunty Marzie - Meow! Meow!

  8. Aunty Marzie - I don't know why but I love stuff toys. I hope mommy gets me more cos if I wait for that spaceman, god knows when I will get new ones ...

  9. Aunty Marzie - Hahaha ... that spaceman kedekut la Aunty Marzie, jangan harap for the kancil la!

    Yes, he's now full time on his own :D I'm actually happy cos he's home with mommy and me more these days :D

  10. Aunty Marzie - Yes, I only just managed to sneak in some computer time :D

  11. Aunty Marzie - Happy Fluffy Friday to you too and a great weekend as well :D

  12. Aunty LJ - Wah cool la, mommy made toys so much better ... you can make some for me, ah? LOL!

  13. Aunty Carol - Hehehe ... Bam Bam sounds like me. I'm very possessive with my toys too but I don't hide them. I just growl at anyone if they try to take my toys ... LOL!


Woof, woof, thank you for leaving such sweet comments :D