Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Gift

I'm so happy today. Yesterday mommy received a package from the Pos Laju guy. It was addressed to that pesky spaceman ... hrrrmmmmppppp ... I thought it was for me.

It was from Aunty Anny for him. Why does he get stuff and not me? It's a conspiracy, I tell you ... hehehe ... Then mommy called the spaceman and he asked her to open the package.

Upon opening it, mommy told him that his moleskin prize has arrived and wait, looked at me and said that there is something for me too.

What? A gift for me? Really? Aunty Anny has a gift for me? How cool! Aunty Anny sent me a nice pink doggie collar for me :D Wow, my first gift and I'm so happy that I could go out and kiss those pesky cats in the backyard ... LOL!

Thank you Aunty Anny, don't I look just adorable with it? Not that I made it easy for that spaceman to take a picture of me wearing it la .. hehehe ...



  1. Oh that is such a nice and cute collar Pebbles!

  2. Aggie had a day out today and she was sooooo happy.. lol!.. it's like a present for her too :)

  3. ur most welcome Pebbles :D the obvious color for a girly girl.. hahaha.. and pink to piss the spaceman :)
    oh.. i forgot about the bell... Piper reminded me to send you a bell.. he has a red bell on his collar :) he loves wearing his collar as it makes him dashing on auto ^.^"

  4. Aunty LJ - Thank you :D I think so too.

  5. Aunty LJ - I'm too scared to wander around by myself outside all alone ...

  6. Aunty Anny - Hahaha ... you did a good job trying to piss that spaceman with the color pick ... But it looks so cute on me :D

    A bell? After I'll sound like a cow la ... LOL! But then at least both mommy and the spaceman will know where I am always ...

  7. Aunty BT - Yes, I have my own blog now :D

  8. Tats the whole idea.. so we know where you little fellas are... but u sure won't sound like a cow.. hahhahahahaa

  9. Aunty Anny - Aiyaa, don't give mommy ideas, cos she's always looking for me when I disappear and this would make it easier for her to find me ... LOL!


Woof, woof, thank you for leaving such sweet comments :D